Bird Zone Taxidermy Goes FULL TIME 1-1-2021
To our appreciated and valued clients, family and friends... we thank each and every one of you that have had our back over the past several years. This small business was started part time and has slowly grown each and every year thanks to all of you! With the help of my amazing wife, I have been working two full time jobs for the past several years. For the past ten years I have been the Sales Manager at an Industrial Equipment Company in Belgium, Wisconsin. On top of that, I have juggled being a part time bird taxidermist, but still putting in over 40 hours per week in the taxi shop! It has been challenging, tiring, rewarding, and fulfilling all in one! That has allowed us to grow our business to the point of going full time here at Bird Zone! Hard work pays off and we are so ready to step up or service to the next level! So it is with overdue excitement that we announce our shop will be going 100% full time on 1-1-2021! I have given my employer in the industrial equipment sales industry a full months notice of my departure. Come January 1st, we are 100% fully dedicated to your trophies and memory preservation projects! So again, thank you to each of you that has made a difference! You all know who you are! Here's to the start of something great!