Late Summer Blues... Preparing & Safety in 2018/2019
It's been a long Spring/Summer in the Bird Zone Shop folks! We thank you for a great season with some great specimens to boot! The dog...

2018 WTA Wisconsin Taxidermy Show
The 2018 show was a blast! We at Bird Zone met even more amazing artists at this event. What a great state we live in. Wisconsin...

Come Visit the Wisconsin Taxidermy Association State Championships
If you follow taxidermy at all, you must come to this years state show in Stevens Point, WI. It is February 22nd - 25th of 2018! It...

Alternate Ideas For Young Harvested Birds That Still Have A Special Meaning Or Memory Attached...
Just a quick thought today BZT fans. We often get asked what can be done with a bird/specimen that is not suitable for mounting due to...

What is a pin feather?
Hello BZT fans! Your probably sick of us talking about Pin feathers. Or your wondering what they truly are and what they mean. Well...

Can I Mount An Early Season Wood Duck Shot In Wisconsin? Wood Duck Taxidermy
This video shows how to detect pin feathers in early season shot Wood Ducks in the state of Wisconsin and the like. It will walk you throug

How to package a bird for storage and mounting.
This post describes in detail the whys and hows to package a bird for the freezer that will be going to a taxidermist for mounting. Hear if

2017 Wisconsin Taxidermist Association Rendezvous and Mini Competition
Bird Zone Taxidermy's fun entries to the Wisconsin Taxidermist Association's annual summer rendezvous. 2017 WTA and Bird Zone begin

Quick Tip / How to prepare your birds feet for packaging into a freezer for the taxidermist.
This video shows how to wrap a birds feet for proper storage in the freezer before bringing your specimen to the taxidermist. Wrapping them